The vision for Reaching Out is to extend support services to underserved populations, fostering a strategic mindset among those in need.
Our mission is to empower youth and families to cultivate a strategic mindset that enables them to navigate life’s challenges. We aim to rebuild the bonds between families and their communities, focusing on purpose, supportive networking, and recognizing capabilities and opportunities for youth. This is done with the mindset of upholding accountability. Our mission involves elevating the potential for at-risk youth and their families by employing structured approaches and plans of action. Our mentors and coaches will aid clients in identifying and reaching their goals.
Our dedication extends to aiding clients in redirecting focus to positive aspirations. Particularly for those exhibiting specific at-risk behaviors such as poor academic progress and attendance and/or having a history of juvenile delinquency as well as other signs of instability. Another cornerstone of our mission is encouraging each client’s exploration of financial literacy and educational opportunities for financial investments; promoting financial security.
Clientele Groups
- The primary group is middle-school through high-school-aged students with at-risk social determinants.
- The secondary group includes individuals with families of low-income backgrounds.
- The tertiary group comprises families at risk for Department of Child and Family Services intervention.

Approach and Services
Reaching Out will deliver services via in-person, virtual, and telephone intervention, adapting to the client’s preference.
- Eligibility and services will be determined based on need.
- A 50-minute session will be conducted to determine the need on an individual basis.
- Coaches and mentors will conduct intake evaluations to ascertain goals. Upon agreement and consent, services will commence.
- All services and communications will adhere to confidential policies and procedures.